Sevilla vs Getafe | LaLiga 22-23 | Matchday 16

Sometimes if we look at the standings, the gulf between some teams looks enormous. But, when we pay attention to the details, we sometimes discover that there’s nothing but a small handful of points between them, meaning that any single match could change the reality of clubs. In Sevilla vs Getafe, we will have two teams facing such a situation who must continue fighting, lest they lose everything they have achieved.

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Getafe Spain
Getafe Predictions

Sevilla vs Getafe Will Be Played at the Sánchez-Pizjuán Stadium

Sevilla Has Already Been in the Relegation Zone and Does Not Want to Repeat the Experience

Sevilla is a team that’s accustomed itself to winning. It has spent years in the elite of Spanish soccer, fighting for the top positions that open the doors to competitions like the Champions League.

But this season, the work they are doing is not paying off. And while it seems they’ve saved themselves from relegation, they know that they must continue to do better in upcoming matches, including, of course, Sevilla vs Getafe.

Getafe Needs to Do All It Can to Move Away from the Bottom Places

This is Getafe’s seventh consecutive LaLiga Santander season. However, they have just had two seasons in which they have not finished in the best position, even if they have maintained their permanence.

This season has also been a little difficult for them, with more defeats than successes being the norm.

Soon, they will face off in Sevilla vs Getafe, and they must look for a victory given that their rival this time is weakened.

Previous Sevilla vs Getafe Matches

De estos dos equipos Sevilla vs Getafe ya tenemos historias que contar, traemos los dos partidos de la temporada 2021 – 2022. El más reciente fue el 09 – 01 – 22 también el Sánchez – Pizjuán, con un Sevilla muy superior, contuvieron el balón el 67% del partido ante el 33% que logró manejar el Getafe. Los remates al arco fueron pocos para ambos equipos, apenas si crearon oportunidades, Sevilla 1 vez y Getafe 2. La precisión en los pases fue de 88% para los Palanganas a un 74% de los Azulones.

El partido comenzaría con un gol anulado a Rafa Mir al minuto 10’. Pero el tanto válido no tardaría mucho en llegar y al minuto 22’ del encuentro Rafa Mir recibiría un centro de Ocampos para rematar de taconazo y mandar la esférica al fondo de la red. Al 41’ anularían un tanto al Getafe por posición adelantada y se irían al descanso con marcador igualado. No hubo mayor emoción en el segundo tiempo y el marcador no cambiaría, finalizando 1 – 0.

Previo a este, sería el Sevilla vs Getafe de la primera vuelta de LaLiga. Fue el 23 – 08 – 21 y el marcador sería el mismo que el partido subsecuente. El Sevilla acabaría con los tres puntos por la victoria con mínima diferencia en casa rival, el Estadio Alfonso Pérez.

Los números reflejan la superioridad de los Palanganas que llegaron en tres oportunidades a puerta rival mientras que los Azulones no tuvieron ningún chance. El balón fue de los visitantes en un 62% al 38% que tuvieron los locales. Y en cuanto a precisión, los del Sevilla alcanzaron un 84% y los del Getafe un 72%.

El único tanto del partido llegaría como un tiro salvador al minuto 90’ + 3’ con un tiro de Erik Lamela, sirviéndose de un rebote del balonazo de Rafa Mir y dándole la victoria a su equipo apenas dos minutos de terminar el encuentro.

Sevilla vs Getafe have already met multiple times. Here we’ll take a look at the two most recent matches from the 2021-22 season.

The most recent was on January 09, 22 at the Sanchez-Pizjuan, with a much superior Sevilla keeping the ball 67% of the match against the paltry 33% that Getafe managed.

The shots on goal were few and far between for both teams, and they barely created any chances. Sevilla only managed 1 shot on goal, while Getafe managed 2. The passing accuracy was 88% for the Palanganas to 74% for the Azulones.

The match started with a disallowed goal to Rafa Mir at minute 10. But a valid goal didn’t take long to arrive, and at minute 22 of the match, Rafa Mir received a cross from Ocampos to back-heel the ball into the back of the net.

At 41 minutes, Getafe’s had a goal disallowed for an advanced position. There was no more excitement in the second half and the score remained unchanged, ending 1-0.

Prior to this, Sevilla vs Getafe last played in the first round of LaLiga. It was August 23, 2021, and the score would be the same as the subsequent match.

Sevilla would end up with the three points for the victory with a minimal difference at the rival’s home, the Alfonso Perez Stadium.

The numbers reflect the superiority of the Palanganas, who reached the rival goal three times, while the Azulones had no chance. The visitors had 62% of the ball to the locals’ 38%. And in terms of accuracy, Sevilla’s players reached 84% and 72% for Getafe.

The only goal of the match came at 90 + 3 with a shot by Erik Lamela, using a rebound from Rafa Mir’s shot and giving his team the victory just two minutes before the end of the match.

Upcoming games Matchday 17 LaLiga

In the next round #17, we bring you the matches Getafe vs Espanyol and Girona vs Sevilla. 

Prediction for Sevilla vs Getafe

The performance between the two teams set to face off in Sevilla vs Getafe is not that different this season. Therefore, expect a 1-1 draw.

Another less-likely outcome could see Sevilla win 2-1.

Hit the bet now button to win with this prediction. Otherwise, check out our other football predictions for more chances to win.

Odds Analysis and Previous Match History

08 Jan, 18:30 La Liga
Sevilla FC LaLiga Predictions
Getafe Predictions
Sevilla FC LaLiga Predictions
Sevilla Spain
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Getafe Predictions

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